Thanks for coming to the event!

Here’s a list of resources and other notes that we talked about…

First, here’s a link to the G-Drive that has the AI Getting Started Guide and the slides from the presentation:

If you want to sign up for my AI email newsletter, here it is!

Some notes from questions I received afterwards…

  • ChatGPT Plus (the paid version: is available to sign up for again. BUT! It’s no longer “connected” to the internet, pending a lawsuit they are in with the New York Times. However, it’s still a fantastic tool and to me, worth the $20/mo, because there’s still plenty of advanced features that you get like advanced analytics, file upload/download, etc. But if you don’t want to spend anything, I would use either the free version, or Google Bard (

  • I highly recommend checking out an app called Captions ( for creating videos. It’ll do your captions, eye adjustments, editing, add music, etc. Besides ChatGPT Plus, it’s my favorite practical use of AI right now.

  • The CMA tool I used was Revive Vision AI ( It’s currently still in Beta so not available to the mass public, but you can get on the waitlist and they let more people in every so often. I just used it the other day for a seller client, and it practically nailed the numbers I was expecting it to produce.

And finally, follow me on whatever social channel you use and i’ll post more along the way about AI and Tech tools for realtors!

Thanks for having me out there and hope to come out there again in the future!
